The Powwow Guy

Home of Robert Phoenix and Traditional Christian Pennsylvania German Powwow

The Lesser Banishing Ritual

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram

The Lesser Banishing Ritual comes to modern magical usage from The Golden Dawn. It is utilized within a number of magical and folk traditions, and powwow is no exception. However, it's important to know that the LBR is brand new to the tradition of Powwow. Historically, it was never a part of our tradition. However, I believe the practice of the Lesser Banishing Ritual is a perfect fit within Powwow as it calls upon Judeo-Christian concepts of the Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and Auriel. The Kabbalistic powers invoked align the powwow with the energy of God, while grounding us in the mundane. We are literally between worlds. 

The Lesser Banishing Ritual has several individual parts to it. For best use, practice each part until you have it committed to memory and can feel and visualize all that you need to.

The first piece is referred to as the Cabalistic Cross. 

Stand facing East. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Then close your eyes and visualize yourself standing firm with the earth beneath your feet. Imagine yourself growing larger and larger, towering above your home, your town, your state, your country.... standing larger than the earth itself. Imagine yourself growing even larger, so the solar system and eventually the galaxy are swirling beneath your feet. See above you a bright light. This is God. Visualize a beam of light coming from this source and entering your body through the top of your head and down through your body. With your right hand, pull this light down through your body while intoning "ATEH" (Ah-tah). {For thine is}

Now imagine a bright light coming from the earth beneath your feet. Pull this light up with your right hand so the beam meets the light from above while intoning "MALKUTH" (Mal-kooth) {the Kingdom}

Now reach out to your right side. Feel and visualize yourself pulling in light from the right, through your body as you move your hand to your chest while intoning "Vegeborah" (vay-gay-boo-rah) {the power}

Now reach out to your left side. Feel and visualize yourself pulling in light from the left, through your body as you move your hand to your chest while intoning "Vegedulah" (vay-gay-doo-lah) {and the Glory}

Now clasp your hands together at your chest while intoning "Le Olahm, Amen" (lay-olahm-amen) {Forever, Amen}

The second part invokes the protective powers of the pentagrams while intoning the sacred names of God.

Still facing East, point your right hand before you (with or without a blade) and draw a pentagram of blue flame in the air beginning at the top, down to the right, etc. When finished, make the sign of silence (pointer finger at lips as if to say "shhh) then clasp your hands together while taking one step forward and pushing your hands through the pentacle while intoning "JEHOVA" (yod-hay-voo-hay) which is the unknowable name of God.

Then step back. With your right hand, draw a line of blue flame from the east pentagram to the south. Then draw another pentagram in the south. Do the sign of silence, then clasp hands and thrust through pentagram while intoning "ADONAI" (ah-doh-nie) which translates as LORD.

Then step back. With your right hand, draw a line of blue flame from the south pentagram to the west. Then draw another pentagram in the west. Do the sign of silence, then clasp hands and thrust through the pentagram while intoning "AHIH" (ey-aye-ah) which translates as I AM.

Then step back. With your right hand, draw a line of blue flame from the west pentagram to the north. then draw another pentagram in the north. Do the sign of silence, then clasp hands and thrust through pentagram while intoning "AGLA" (ag-lah) which translates as THOU ART MIGHTY AND FOREVER MY LORD

Then step back. With your right hand, draw a line of blue flame back to the east to complete the circle.

The third part calls upon the archangel and completes the rite.

Facing east, hold both arms out to your sides to form your body into a cross. Say:

"Before me, RAPHAEL (intone his name)....Behind me GABRIEL (intone his name)....on my right hand MICHAEL (intone his name)....on my left hand AURIEL (intone his name).... Around me flame the pentagrams, and above me shines the six-rayed star (visualize the star of David above you)."

Allow yourself to feel and visualize all of this for a moment.

The Rite is complete.

This video is very well done and walks you through the LBR.